Enrollment Steps

Photo by Ridofranz/iStock / Getty Images

Our enrollment is year round, so no matter what time of the year you can get your student started with homeschooling! We make our enrollment process simple and you are just 6 steps away from your education journey starting.

Steps for Enrollment

1. Submit your yearly tuition to CEA. Fees consist of 1st year admin fee and yearly family tuition ($105 before Aug 1 for new enrollments). This enrollment fee includes the Homeschoolreporting fee. Method of payment is either paypal/credit card (you do not need a paypal account) or checks by mail. 1st year is $105 and then $80 every year there after for re-enrollment.   Please note the name of the student if the name you are paying under does not match the student(s).

2. Request to JOIN Homeschoolreporting. Disregard the $20 family fee at Homeschoolreporting for sign up or the account or codes. Use the school drop list on the form to choose Contemporary Education Academy. (simply select CEA on the drop down menu). We will be notified and then will activate your account and a password will be emailed to you.  Once you receive your password, you MUST set up your school year with the projected dates of attendance for the year and each of your students. Please enter your school district and valid contact information, as well as your students courses. 

3. Complete FORMS & ONLINE RECORDS. After we receive your fees, you will be sent a link with our Enrollment Packet (Church School Enrollment Form, Record Release and Enrollment Statement). Follow the instructions on the FORMS. Mail the CSEF to the Superintendent’s address you filled in and mail (fax or email) a copy to CEA. You can email them directly to ceaonsitedirector@gmail.com.  Each family should maintain their own records as well. During the year you can continue to fill in your ONLINE RECORDS such as Attendance (Mandatory) and keep track of your grades at Homeschoolreporting.com. Church School Enrollment forms only have to be completed once unless you change districts or withdrawal and re-enroll with us.

Simply use this user guide for any tips in getting your homeschoolreporting account setup.

4. Withdraw From SCHOOL. Follow the withdrawal process at the former school using the Student Record Release Form. The school normally sends records to CEA and we then send them to your home for you to maintain. As a church school we do not maintain the individual records for each student it is up to the family to maintain. If your student is in High School make sure to keep accurate records of their grades in Homeschoolreporting to make it easy for transcripts at graduation.

5. Select YOUR CURRICULUM. Each family selects their own Curriculum. We offer some suggestions. You can find out more on the Curriculum page!

6. Read POLICIES and Sign CEA Enrollment Statement. It is important to understand our Policies. Each year you will sign an Enrollment Statement that you have read our Policies, that you have legal authority to homeschool your student and state what curriculum you will use or how you plan to educate each student.**

Steps for Re-enrollment

1. Submit your FEES to CEA. If re-enrolling, you will only need to send a $80 tuition fee and your Enrollment Statement by the time school starts in your district. Please note the name of the student if the name you are paying under does not match the student(s). You have 14 days to complete the process or will be charged a late fee of $30.**

2. Submit Enrollment Statement to CEA. It is important to understand our Policies, please read over to make sure you are up to date.

3. Verify you are still active in Homeschoolreporting with your correct current contact information. Set - up new school year in Homeschoolreporting under your family profile.

4. Maintain FORMS & ONLINE RECORDS. During the year you can continue to fill in your ONLINE RECORDS such as Attendance and Grades at Homeschoolreporting.com. Church School Enrollment forms only have to be completed once unless you change districts, move within your school distrcit or re-enroll after being inactive.

**You will have 14 days from the beginning of the enrollment process to complete the process. Failure to comply with this process is grounds for dismissal! We will notify public officials of such.**

Again each family is responsible for their student(s) education. The Contemporary Education Academy serves as a Church School to facilitate the family in its educational endeavor. Therefore, the CE Academy makes no promise as to the acceptance of your family grades by other educational activities or organizations.